When you have a lost cat, put food out

When you have a lost cat, be sure to leave out food. Nothing fancy; on the ground is fine. Wet food smells stronger than dry. Cans of wet food are good, just be careful about sharp edges. If food is put out during the day, cover lightly with leaves so birds have a harder time finding it.

Most animals when lost tend to be more active at night. This tends to keep them safer. To reduce the possibility of birds or other animals eating the food, put food out just a bit before dark. Check if it’s gone as soon as possible after first light.

Shake a bowl of dry food outside late at night when it’s quiet. Hang something that smells like home above the food stations so the scent carries on the wind.

There’s also this stuff called liquid smoke that is super awesome that is sold next to ketchup. Transfer that to a spray bottle because you don’t need a lot. Spray or drip some above your food station and around the perimeter of your property.

Let people know you have a lost cat

Get the NextDoor app and post under lost and found. If you can’t get the app, post on nextdoor.com as soon as you can.

List your pet as lost at the local animal control and shelters. Keep checking in with them every few days. A physical visit is better than over the phone for two reasons: 1) No one knows your pet like you do. People working there mean well but sometimes make mistakes. It’s better to check yourself. 2) While visiting, you’ll have a chance to tell your story to the shelter staff. They’ll be more likely to remember you and your missing pet if you meet face-to-face.

Hang posters. Read more poster tips here and where to hang them here.

Don’t give up; cats often stay hidden for days

When cats go missing, they tend to stay in a hidey hole for 4 to 10 days before they even come out so don’t give up!

Other suggestions for retrieving lost cats

It’s super helpful to put their litter box outside. Either that or a couple scoops from the litter box around the property.

Maybe get a cat trap. I have some and can help or you can get one from the Muni.

Tiger sitting in a tied open trap; waited a month for this photo

Here’s a cat trap video.

If there are houses nearby, most cats are found within 5-10 houses in either direction from point of loss. One of the best things you can do is ask all neighbors to look under porches, in sheds, etc.

“Found him under a house in a crawl space across the way. Had told the neighborhood kids we’d give whoever found him a reward, and it motivated them. He was found within 30 minutes. So thankful!” – Email to Anchorage Pet Detective

“Last night I got my 7yo cat home. He’d gone missing while I was away. I immediately started putting out food for him when I realized he was gone, at both the front and back doors. I also set out some recently worn clothing with the food. A few sightings meant he was still alive. I went to the Shelter and rented one of the Live Traps. Last night I set it on my front step. I put in a banquet! Dry food, fish skin, wet cat/dog food, treats. I put in water and cat-nip.I also covered the trap with cut grass. When I went to bed at 11pm, the trap was empty. At 1:30am, the neighbors’ cat had to be released, and the trap re-set; at 3:30am my cat was trapped. Long story short, after being gone for well over a week, he was caught. He is now on ‘lock down’ for at least 10 days so that he re-adjusts to being ‘my cat’. Just my recent experience in the hope it helps someone. Most cats are still near their home.” – From Craigslist

Read more about lost cat behavior. Note indoor vs. outdoor cats.

Guide to finding your lost cat

General pet search tips

Good luck. Please call 907.242.1779 if you have any questions. ????

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