Searching for a lost pet is stressful. I hope you find the information on this website useful. If you’d like help, please consider contacting me. A list of services is below. I’m happy to talk about personalized solutions as well.
Services Offered
Poster $12- Send me a photo of your pet and contact number. I will make a poster and email it to you or FedEx for printing.
Social media posting $20- Send me a photo of your pet and contact information. I will post on relevant social media sites and monitor them until your pet is found or up to one month.
Customized search plan $50- Includes an initial phone call or email, creation of a poster, poster hanging suggestions and checklist, and write up for social media postings.
Personalized consultation $95- Includes phone consultation (up to one hour), general lost pet behavior profile, poster creation and checklist, write up for social media postings, counseling on search strategy including research into local resources, and search plan.
Email for custom solutions.