Additional poster postings
After you have put up initial posters, keep expanding by at least one block in every direction every day.
Additional resources to notify of missing pet
If your pet has been missing more than a few days, here’s a list for your next round of mailings or visits. Ask them to hold onto the notice for as long as possible and share with as many employees as possible. Ask them to hang in a break room or hallway where everyone will see it, not just the receptionist or manager. Bring to attention anything your animal may need to be seen for like neutering, allergies, diabetes, seizures or anything else you know about.
Alaskan Animal Rescue Friends (AARF)
Phone: 727-6728
Phone: 344-8808
Shelter: 1200 E 76th #1224 A/A 99518
Mail: PO Box 240587 A/A 99524
Alaskan Cat Adoption Team
Phone: 982-2228
Alaska Dog & Puppy Rescue
Phone: 745-7030
P.O. Box 8768888
Alaska SPCA
Phone: 562-2900
549 W. International Airport Rd. #B-2
Emails: and
Friends of Pets
Phone: 562-2535
Fax: 563-5752